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Constructing mosques : the governance of Islam in France and the Netherlands

تاريخ الاضافة


نوع المحتوى




الرابط للمحتوى



M.J.M. Maussen


vA-DARE (Digital Academic Repository)

Year of Publication



This dissertation has taken more time and effort to be completed than I had initially foreseen. I would not have been able to complete it at all without the support of a great number of people who have been present in my professional and personal life over the past years. When beginning to develop the research project I have benefited from discussions with senior colleagues in the field, I mention especially Herman Beck, Nico Landman, Jean-Marie Donégani, Jan Rath and Flip Lindo. I am indebted to Jos de Beus who helped me develop the project at the early stages. Frank Buijs assisted me in formulating my research questions and allowed me to use his research material. I very much regret that because of his untimely death he will not read the final product. I am indebted to the many respondents in Rotterdam and Marseilles who were willing to give their time to make this research possible. During the time spent in Marseilles, I was happy to find an academic environment at the Institut de Recherche et d’Études sur le Monde Arabe et Musulman (IREMAM) in Aix-en-Provence. I am greatly indebted to Vincent Geisser who introduced me to religion and politics in Marseilles and who put me into contact with many key actors. I also thank my friends in Marseilles, especially Mireille, Christophe and Marc. The Amsterdam School for Social Science Research (ASSR) provided the financial support and academic context for my PhD. I am indebted to Hans Sonneveld and José Komen for their professionalism and support. I thank Teun Bijvoet, Anneke Dammers, and Miriam May for all their help. During my time spent at the ASSR, I have enjoyed the friendly interactions with my fellow PhD-students, I mention especially Anouk, Bowen, Eric, Imrat, Kamenko, Marieke, Rachel, Pia and Courtney. I have enjoyed the lively academic discussions with my fellow students who were working on related issues and who participated in the discourse reading club. Thank you Christian, Kateryna, Marianne, Mira and Tamara! During most of the time I have been working on this dissertation I have been teaching at the Department of Political Science. I am indebted to the first-year students who have been a constant source of encouragement and inspiration. Special thanks to Jeanine, Victoria and Wahideh who helped collect and organise some of the research material. My colleagues at the department have encouraged me at several occasions along the way, special thanks to Erik Besseling, Marijke Mossink and Peter Kievoet. Since 2006 my research interests and projects have brought me to work at the Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies (IMES). I thank my colleagues there for their warm welcome and look forward to our future collaboration after my appointment as assistant professor. My affiliation with IMES has also allowed me to participate in the international IMISCOE network of excellence. I thank Ralph Grillo and John Bowen for their comments and encouragements. Writing the dissertation has not been a constant source of happiness. I was fortunate to have many friends who have supported me when I was loosing my confidence. Special thanks to Karel for having the patience to listen to endless talks about mosques and taking care of Loewie when I disappeared for weeks to write. Thank you also Andries, Bart, David, Dionijs, Elena, Maartje, Regina and Tom. I thank my father Norbert Maussen and my sister Daniëlle for their support over the years. Inês Trigo de Sousa was there during almost the entire period, and I thank her for her encouragements in many moments of despair and for the good times spent together.

M.J.M. Maussen

University of Amsterdam

